Are Our Young People Ok?

March 1, 2024

Navigating the Turbulent Waters of Youth Mental Health: Understanding the Challenges and Finding Solutions

In recent years, concerns about the emotional and mental health of young people have gained prominence in conversations worldwide. There is a general sense that today’s youth are facing unique challenges and experiencing more pronounced struggles with their well-being compared to previous generations. This article aims to delve into the factors contributing to these issues, the role of social media, the importance of adult support, and what should be avoided when addressing young people and their wellbeing.

The Challenges Facing Young People

  1. The Digital Age: One significant shift that distinguishes today’s youth from previous generations is the pervasive presence of digital technology and social media. The constant connectivity to screens and the pressures of maintaining an online persona can have profound effects on emotional well-being.
  2. Academic and Performance Pressure: The competitive nature of modern education and the high expectations placed on young individuals can lead to stress, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy.
  3. Social Isolation: Paradoxically, despite digital connectivity, many young people report feelings of social isolation. The rise of screen time has, in some cases, replaced face-to-face social interaction and is impacting the development of interpersonal skills and ability to cope with social interaction in a healthy way.
  4. Economic Uncertainty: Young adults often face uncertain job prospects and financial instability, contributing to stress and anxiety.
  5. Mental Health Support: While there is growing awareness of mental health issues, there is no infrastructure and no streamlined identified pathways to care. Getting support can be a trial and error process and whilst there are exceptional mental health professionals in both the public and private sector, the public health system is complex, lagging and therefore an ineffective provider of timely and appropriate support for mental health needs in many cases.

Social Media’s Impact on Youth Mental Health

Social media platforms have become an integral part of young people’s lives. While they offer opportunities for connection and self-expression, they also come with potential pitfalls, particularly for adolescent girls. Here are some key points regarding social media’s role in youth mental health:

  1. Comparison Culture: Social media platforms often present curated and idealised versions of people’s lives. Young girls, in particular, may feel pressured to conform to these unrealistic standards, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
  2. Cyberbullying: Online spaces can be breeding grounds for cyberbullying, which can have severe emotional and mental health consequences for young people.
  3. Addiction and Screen Time: Excessive screen time, driven by social media use, can disrupt sleep patterns, exacerbate anxiety, and contribute to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

What Young People Need from Adults

Support and guidance from adults play a crucial role in nurturing the emotional and mental well-being of young people. Here are some ways adults can strengthen their coping skills:

  1. Open Communication: Encourage open and non-judgmental communication. Let young people know that it’s okay to talk about their feelings and struggles.
  2. Active Listening: Listen actively and empathetically. Sometimes, young individuals need a trusted adult to lend a compassionate ear.
  3. Mentorship: Provide guidance and mentorship. Share your own experiences and coping strategies, offering insights on how to navigate challenges.
  4. Education and Resources: Ensure young people are aware of available mental health resources and support networks. Encourage them to seek professional help when necessary.
  5. Validation and Empowerment: Validate their feelings and empower them to make choices that prioritise their well-being.

What Young People Do Not Need from Adults!

While support from adults is crucial, it’s equally important to avoid certain behaviours that can inadvertently have the opposite effect that you might have hoped for:

  1. Dismissal: Dismissing their struggles or telling them to “toughen up” can be counterproductive. It’s essential to take their concerns seriously.
  2. Pressure and Over-involvement: Overwhelming them with expectations or overbearing involvement in their lives can be stressful. Allow them space to grow and make their own decisions – even if sometimes you think they are not the right ones, rather than bluntly stating that, sit down with them to help them go through the steps and anticipated outcomes of any action. But providing them the space to figure it out, is key.
  3. Comparisons: Avoid comparing them to others, whether it’s their peers or previous generations. Each generation faces unique challenges.

To Sum Up!

The emotional and mental health of young people is a complex and pressing issue in today’s society. Factors such as the digital age, academic pressure, and social media’s influence have created a challenging environment for youth. Tips for supporting young people include the need for open communication, active listening, mentorship, and providing access to mental health resources. It’s vital for adults to offer support without judgment and refrain from behaviours that may inadvertently harm young people’s mental well-being.

By working together and addressing these issues proactively, we can better support the next generation in navigating the complexities of their emotional and mental health.

If you or a young person you know are experiencing some of the issues in this article and would like to get support from one of our exceptional therapists, just click on the button below to match with the best available therapist for your needs.

We support young people from the age of 12, just make sure that when you are selecting the presenting issue from the dropdown menu in our free assessment, that you select ‘Child and Adolescent’. That way, you will be matched to the appropriate therapist trained to work with young people.

This is therapy – in a way that works for you.